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Online masterclass for parents how to reduce conflict with your teen

Join 100s of parents for this masterclass replay “How to Reduce Conflict With Your Teen (Without Your Teen Having to do Anything)”.

Clash less, communicate more and finally get the calm and connected relationship you both deserve.

Here’s what you’ll discover:

– How to stop the cycle of endless battles with your teen

– How to eliminate the chaos from your family environment

– The tools to change a tense, frustrated dynamic


We know that having a good relationship with our teenager is so important and that good, open communication is a key factor in this.

But how do we encourage our teens to talk to us, at a time in their life when they are more likely to push us away rather than come close for a chat?

In fact, trying to persuade them to have any kind of relationship with us can be a challenge at this stage. They retreat to their bedrooms, clam up, act like everything we do annoys them and sometimes, shut us out of their world completely.

It’s not always easy being the parent of a teenager, but they need us more than they realise and there are a number of things we can do to keep these very important lines of communication open.

If we as parents don’t demonstrate how to handle and de-escalate conflict, our teenagers will never learn how.

It can be a really tough thing to do if you weren’t shown it by your own parents when you were growing up.

The good news is that it’s never too late to learn and this is why we’ve put together a list of phrases to support you for different issues you might face when managing conflict with your teenager.

Do you want to improve the relationship with your teen?

To help parents the team at TeenMatters have put together this therapist- approved Reading Guide where you’ll find our list of recommended books and podcasts that we use daily in our work with parents. They find them really valuable and we think you will too.

We think of family holiday time as sitting together playing endless games, not so for the teen who increasingly is valuing their alone time and time with their friends.

Giving teenagers room to be teenagers is important, especially around the holidays.

The process of becoming an adult is one in which the child must separate from their parents.

This can be a painful process for both teen and parents and unnecessary pain can be caused if we take this strive for individuality as a personal reflection of our parenting and push against it.

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