
How to Reduce Conflict With Your Teen (Without Your Teen Having to Do Anything)

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As a parent, are you exhausted by the endless cycle of battles with your teen? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything?

You are not alone.

At TeenMatters we work with parents every day who feel stuck in conflict at home with their teenagers.

As qualified therapists and experienced parent coaches, we know how to help parents to meet their teenagers’ chaos with calm and get the family feeling more connected.

Join 100s of parents who’ve watched this 45-minute masterclass replay and learn how to go from endless battles to feeling calmer and more connected with your teenager.

Here’s What You’ll Learn

What keeps you stuck in this cycle and how to get out of it

The mindset shift that helps parents create a calmer family environment

Simple, practical strategies to manage your emotional response to your teenager

How to change the dynamic even without your teen's co-operation

What Parents Are Saying

“This webinar was so helpful. It was such an eye-opener for me!”.

“Lots of golden nuggets for stressed and exhausted mums like me. Very useful. Loved the practical tips”.

“Thank you so much. The masterclass has really helped me shift my focus. I feel calmer as a result”.

Online masterclass for parents how to reduce conflict with your teen

This Masterclass is a Good Fit For Parents Who…

Are constantly stressed and overwhelmed by conflict with their teen

Feel like they've tried everything but are getting nowhere fast

Snap, have their own meltdowns and then feel guilty afterwards

Want to create a more harmonious home dynamic for all the family



Who Is Hosting The Masterclass?

The masterclass is hosted by Liz Straker, co-founder of TeenMatters. She is a qualified adult and teen psychotherapist, a parent coach, a corporate coach but most importantly, a mum to three young people. 

“If we as parents don’t demonstrate how to handle and de-escalate conflict, our teenagers will never learn how.

It can be a really tough thing to do if you weren’t shown it by your own parents when you were growing up.

The good news is that it’s never too late to learn”.

liz Straker co-founder of TeenMatters

Your Questions Answered

What If I Live Outside of The UK?

No problem. The masterclass is online so you can join from anywhere in the world.

Where Do I Access The Masterclass?

After you sign up, we’ll send you an email link so you can start watching straightaway.

How Much Does The Masterclass Cost?

The cost of the masterclass is £29. If you’d like to learn more parenting strategies, we have a comprehensive 5-module parenting course called “Empowering Parents: Supporting Teens”.  The course costs £197. Find out more here.